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C4 & up Level

Has an accident just happened?
  NO next 2

Can the patient actively move their upper limbs at all?
NO nextC4 and up YES next 3

C5 level

Can the patient bend their elbow towards their face?
NO C5 YES next 4

C6 Level

Can the patient bend their wrist up?
NO C6 YES next 5

C7 Level

Can the patient straighten their arm at the elbow?
NO C7 YES next 6


C8 Level

Can the patient bend their fingers?
NO C8 YES next 7

T1 Level

Can the patient move their fingers side to side?
NO T1 YES next 8


T2-T6 Level

Does the patient have sensation at their nipple line? (upper thoracic)
NO T2-T6 YES next 9


T7-T12 Level

Does the patient have sensation at their navel line? (lower thoracic)
NO T7-T12 YES next 10


L2 Level

Can the patient bring their knees up to their chest while lying on their back?
NO L2 YES next 11


L3 Level

Can the patient straighten their knee? feel for flickers of muscle activity as well
NO L3 YES next 12


L4 Level

Can they bend their ankle?
NO L4 YES next 13


L5 Level

Can they pull up their big toe?
NO L5 YES next 14


S1 Level

Can they point their toes or foot downwards?