Spinal Cord Levels

Objective notes

Keep your notes going as you proceed with these treatments


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Lower limb: passive movement to limbs
Bed positioning paraplegia: side-lying to prone
Bed positioning paraplegia: side-lying to prone
Bed positioning quadriplegia: positioning of upper limbs in supine
wheelchair positioning: shoulders and hips straight; 1: quick checks for possible areas of pressure
to avoid sores: leaning forward and sideways regularly (once an hour for 2 minutes each time) can greatly reduce risk of pressure sores. use assistance for balance if needed
to avoid sores: leaning forward and sideways regularly (once an hour for 2 minutes each time) can greatly reduce risk. Use assistance for balance if needed
maintaining range of movement and muscle length through sitting positions: frog sitting and long sitting
maintaining range of movement and muscle length through sitting positions: half-ring sitting
Range of movement upper limb; hold 30 seconds for each direction, whilst avoiding painful movement; full flexion of shoulder; flexion and extension of wrist
maintain range of movement open the web space between the thumb and index finger
maintain range of movement in fingers: bend and straighten all individual joints of the fingers while keeping the wrist straight
maintain range of movement in fingers
Maintain range of movement: use assisted finger abduction and adduction
Bend and straighten all individual joints of the patient's fingers while keeping the wrist straight
Support feet in the bed and in wheelchair
elbow flexion and extension hold 30 seconds for each direction, whilst avoiding painful movement; wrist flexion and extension
Resting splint lower limb: splinting may be used to prevent soft tissue shortening at the Achilles tendon; extra strap for night use


Level C4 and up


Level C5



Level C6


Level C7


Level C8


Level T1


Level T2-T6


Level T7-T12


Level L2


Level L3


Level L4


Level L5


Level S1


Related respiratory injuries



Extra mobility aids